torsdag 4 juli 2013

Making wild strawberry liqueur

Last summer, I got acquainted with the art of making liqueur out of wild strawberries and raw vodka. It's a fairly simple process, but does however require a great deal of patience and time for the final production stage.

When making your own strawberry liqueur, you will need:

  • -Freshly picked wild strawberries (about 0,30 L is sufficient)
  • - 0,5 L Vodka
  • - Sugar (according to taste)
  • - A clean glass jar for the simmering process.

After that the ingredients have been collected, the first stage of production can begin.

Gently pour the fresh wild strawberries into the clean glass jar.

Pour the vodka on top of these, until they have been completely covered and the jar is almost full.

Close the lid carefully; leave it like this for at least a month.

According to what I've heard, the jar needs to be in "sunlight and moonlight" for the following month. 

The recipe I'm following is a traditional recipe from the Åland Islands. It is, however, possible to make this in a way that fits one's particular needs.

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