måndag 13 januari 2014

Making a spicy Bolognese

Making Spaghetti Bolognese is one of the simplest recipes, and usually turns out quite delicious. Here I'm going to share my own, spicies, version of this classic dish.

What you need:
1. Two garlic gloves
2. One tomato
3. 1 chili pepper
4. One red/yellow onion
5. 1 cup of meat stock
6. Pasta, dry or fresh
7. Spices (basilic, pepper, oregano)
8. Minced meat (400-500 grams)
9. Organic mashed tomatoes
10. Mashed blue cheese or parmesan (according to taste)

First, you should start cooking the pasta in plenty of water so that it won't turn sticky.
While the pasta is cooking, start cutting the vegetables into small pieces. Fry them together in some oil until brown, then pour on the meat stock and let it cook for a while into a nice, brown paste.

The meat should be fried separately in a frying pan for a while, until relatively brown (it will further get ready in the sauce pan later).
Using a stain protector can be a good idea!

Now you can cut the tomato into small pieces and put it together with the mashed tomato sauce and meat into the sauce pan. Put the spices in (according to taste) and let cook for about 10-15 minutes on medium heat. This way all the flavours will blend together nicely and give a rich, aromatic taste to your Bolognese!

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